• Students must reach school by 7:25 a.m. Dispersal for KG to Grade 5 is at 1.00 pm.
  • Every student of KG – Grade 5 must carry the Chronicle to school each day.
  • Every student must wear the ID card to school every day.
  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed.
  • The school uniform should be worn on all working days including the child’s birthday.
  • Girls who wear leggings with the uniform must wear white leggings and not any other colour.
  • PE uniform should be worn only on days assigned for PE in the timetable or unless otherwise specified by the teacher.
  • Students must wear the school sweater during the winter months.
  • Office bearers must wear their respective badges daily.
  • Wearing expensive jewelry, accessories, etc. is not allowed.
  • Trolley bags are not permitted in the school. Students must carry books only as required by the timetable and leave the rest in school.
  • Students must be punctual to school, classes and assembly whenever they have it.
  • Classroom decorum must always be maintained. School has a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and no form of bullying will be tolerated in school.
  • Movement of students from one class to the other should be in a peaceful and orderly manner.
  • Care must be taken of all school property.
  • No student should damage any school furniture or things belonging to others.
  • Any case of accidental damage to property must be reported to the respective Headmistress.
  • Students are not allowed to carry mobile phones or valuable articles to school.


  • Students must reach the bus stop at least five minutes before the arrival time.
  • Buses will not wait for latecomers.
  • No student should approach the entry door of the bus unless it comes to a complete halt. They should enter the bus in an orderly manner and take their seats immediately.
  • The bus drivers are authorised to stop the buses at the DESIGNATED STOPS ONLY unless otherwise directed by the bus teacher. The list of designated stops has been formulated keeping in view the convenience and safety of the students and you are required to adhere to the same.
  • Children of KGI to Grade II must be dropped and picked up from the bus stop by the parent/caretaker. If the person is not at the bus stop the child will be brought back to school and the parent will have to pick up the child from school.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter or travel in the bus at any time.
  • Students should not move around in the bus while it is in motion.
  • The bus nannies/ teachers and bus monitors are responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses. Any serious offence will be reported to the Bus Supervisor
  • Children will not be allowed to board buses, other than their own allotted bus.


  • Students are requested to refrain from taking leave on the first / last day of each term and also on the days of exams.
  • No long leave of absence except for illness will be granted unless applied for in writing to the Principal and in advance.
  • Students who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from their doctor on joining school. A copy of the certificate should be submitted and signed in the school clinic for follow up.


  • Absence during assessments must be applied for in advance and is granted only at the discretion of the Principal. Medical certificate/Travel document must be attached with the application.
  • No retest will be conducted in case of absence during tests.


  • One month’s written notice of intention of withdrawal is to be submitted to the school authorities.
  • Completed withdrawal form along with the fee towards the Transfer Certificate is to be submitted to the school office after the letter of intent.


  • A pupil’s name will be struck off the school rolls if the child remains absent for a period of 30 continuous working days without prior permission of the school authorities.


  • Parents are requested to pay the fees term wise and not to have any pending fee dues.
