Extra-curricular activities help students to learn about themselves and develop and use their skills and knowledge in different contexts. Such activities are an essential element of the school experience. A wide range of extra-curricular activities to serve the objective.


Digital curriculum helps educators streamline differentiation opportunities, to personalize and pinpoint where learners are in their learning. Learners have access to content that they need and can work at the pace that is most effective for them to become 21st century learners.


WISE is aware of the need to recognize the gifted and talented at early age. G&T students are identified with their special gift or talent areas. Their exceptional abilities are utilized in lessons and challenged to work significantly above age-related targets in most or many areas. Opportunities are given to students of such ability and these students are encouraged to participate in competitions beyond the school.


WISE believes in inclusive education where all children in the same classroom get real learning opportunities including differently abled. The school has a clear SEND/ SOD policy. At WISE, it is the belief that all children have an equal right to a full and rounded education which will enable them to achieve their full potential. We use our best endeavors to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required, that is ‘‘additional to and different from” that provided within the differentiated curriculum. They are provided additional support to reach their potential on a need basis in line with the school policy. The school policy has the provision for students with SEND, particularly how the school will identify, make amendments in lessons, monitor and evaluate, ensure academic progress ensure inclusion.


WISE is aware of the need to recognize the gifted and talented at early age. G&T students are identified with their special gift or talent areas. Their exceptional abilities are utilized in lessons and challenged to work significantly above age-related targets in most or many areas. Opportunities are given to students of such ability and these students are encouraged to participate in competitions beyond the school.


At WISE, the counselling department provides career guidance and provides with all the requisites to students in selection of good colleges and universities in India and abroad.
